Sunday, May 01, 2005

Sunday afternoon

What a difference a day makes. Amy & I got to Dad's room just after noon today, and found that Dad's chest tube has been removed! He told us that the assistant to his surgeon came by an hour or so earlier, said that the bleeding was effetively done, and plucked the tube right out!

(I'm sure it was more work than that, but that's how Dad remembers it, so hey.)

He also said that the assistant contended Dad's within 24 hours of being discharged from the hospital. Now, I appreciate the positive spin and all, but Pop hasn't even started walking yet, because of the tube and its attendant drain box. So, as much as I wan to see him get out of there and return home, I really don't think it's happening on Monday. I'm ready for it, but it'd be amazing if it happened by then.

I'm sure that Dad's cardiologist will keep him there a little while longer at least, but probably not the longest-term estimate (7 days) he gave yesterday. Dad's girlfriend & I are sorta estimating Wednesday, but not with any real foundation.

Oh, and the blood culture was negative, so it appears that yesterday's fever wasn't infection-related.

As ever, I'll keep you posted.


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