Saturday, April 30, 2005

Saturday afternoon

Amy & I went to visit Dad around 12:30 today (we're heading back over in a couple of minutes), for an hour. His cardiologist was checking on him when we arrived. He said Dad's improvement has been great, and that the only wildcard is the continued (but subdued) bleeding in his chest. He felt that, on the conservative side, Dad is 3-7 days from being able to go home.

Once he left, we talked with Dad for a bit. He was in much better spirits than yesterday, when he was somewhat depressed and worn down. I think part of that had to do with the simple fact that he's sharing his room with another patient. Any of you who know my dad will understand why that can be a problem.

As I said, he was in better spirits. Unfortunately, he's also been having a couple of minor hallucinations (bugs and mice), induced by his pain medication, and has lost track of what day it is. This is pretty small-scale, given the enormity of what's gone on.


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